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CUBG launches pilot program of full coverage of native plant species

     The Chinese Union of Botanical Gardens (CUBG) has launched a pilot program to achieve full coverage of native plant species conservation in late April. “The program is aimed to explore effective ways and means for protecting plant species in China, and improve capacity of botanical gardens to conserve native plant resources”, said Chen Jin, director of XTBG and chairman of CUBG.

     According to the program plan, geographic division and regional distribution are taken into account. Eight botanical gardens from SW China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Sichuan and Tibet), South China, Central China, East China, North China, Northeast, and Northwest are chosen to chair the sub-projects to carry out native plant species conservation in their corresponding regions. The responsible botanical gardens of sub-projects are to collaborate with other member botanical gardens in their regions respectively and try to realize full coverage of native plant species conservation.

    The CUBG has been implementing “Zero extinction’ conservation plan for plants in Xishuangbanna” since 2013. The concrete operating procedures could provide some experience for the full coverage conservation plan.

Dr. Chen Jin introducing program plan


Discussing project plan